How to get support from BOOX?

  • After Sales Service
You could learn more about from BOOX Help Center firstly. If that does not work, you shall determine whether it is hardware issue or software issue and contact us for further technical support according to the instruction as below. We will reply back as soon as possible.
Purchase Channels Hardware issues Software issues & suggestions 
Boox Shop/BOOX Official Aliexpress Store Fill in the Service Request Form with all information You could submit the bugs on Feedback (Settings-Feedback) in your device. And you are warmly welcome to post the bugs with the build number and have discussion with other Boox users in our official forum via
Amazon  Fill in the Service Request Form with all information
Taobao/Tmall /JD/Joybuy/Other Aliexpress Contact the after sales team via
Others a. Under 1-year warranty: Please contact the seller directly b. Beyond warranty:  Fill in the Service Request Form with all information

Help Center

FAQ and technical support


Manual and software downloads





FAQ and technical support

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